The Frome Learning Partnership is made up of eighteen schools in and around Frome who work together for the benefit of children in all three phases of education.
The Frome Learning Partnership is made up of eighteen schools in and around Frome who work together for the benefit of children in all three phases of education:
The First schools are responsible for the education of children aged from 4-9 years:
The middle schools are responsible for children aged from 9-13 years:
Frome College is responsible for pupils aged from 13 – 18 years
Critchill School supports children with learning difficulties in all three phases.
We are all committed to this system which allows the children to benefit from specialist teachers and facilities appropriate to their age range. Liaison between the various schools in the system is seen of the highest importance, ensuring that:
We have regular networking sessions for teachers with specific responsibilities including English, Maths, SEND, Early Years, PE and Safeguarding, ensuring leadership capacity is widened, expertise shared, and the latest training and updates cascaded.
We also work together to ensure that we can access the very best Continuing Professional Development for all staff. For example, staff have come together for specific training in English, Maths, First Aid and Child Protection.
Frome Learning Partnership’s Parent and Family Support Advisers (PFSAs) work across schools in Frome to offer support and guidance to families experiencing issues in areas such as;
They will also signpost families to other services or professionals. The team works closely with children, young people, their families and schools.