Where the adventure begins…
We want children to love learning and to run into school each morning and this all starts in Gruffalo Class, their Reception year. The EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is the curriculum that is followed from birth to the end of the Reception Year.The seven areas of learning are :
Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design.
At the end of the year we complete the ‘Early Years profile’ which gives an overview of each child’s abilities as the move into Year One to start following the National Curriculum.
The EYFS is all about nurturing children by providing engaging environments filled with irresistible experiences and adults who can offer playful interactions. We believe that children demonstrate their highest order thinking skills when immersed in their own self-chosen play, pursuing their own interests and trying out ideas.
Our focus is on developing the Characteristics of Effective Learning, building children’s confidence and independence. There are numerous opportunities for playing and exploring, creative and critical thinking and active learning which builds resilience.
The children’s knowledge is extended through our motivating Topics which are led by the children’s questions. Recent themes have included ‘The Circus’, ‘Tales and Teeth, ‘Castles and Kingdoms’.
The children have access to outdoor covered space and a garden alongside the playing field and forest school area. Weekly activities can include the mud kitchen, gardening, forest school, French, P.E (including swimming), drama, sewing, cooking, dance, building, woodwork and bird-watching. We regularly walk around the beautiful village and countryside.
An important focus of the Reception Year is helping children to become independent with their coats, wellies, zips, self-care, eating and cutlery. We use circle games to develop emotional literacy and social skills. Home visits enable us to quickly build strong relationships with families and children, ensuring a smooth start in September.
Every day includes discreet teaching of Phonics, stories and language activities, mark-making, maths skills and outdoor play. As the year continues we introduce ‘The Daily Mile’, walking and running around a countryside trail. By the end of the year we aim to have prepared children for the routines of school whilst retaining their individuality and spirit.
Gruffalo Curriculum Map Year A web