14 Feb Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day 2020 was celebrated globally with the theme: Free to be me – exploring identity online.
Over the last two weeks children from Reception to Year 4 have been exploring how they manage their online identity, and how the internet shapes how they think of themselves and others. This year we focused on what makes up your online identity – such as the facts or characteristics about you, how others perceive and interact with you, as well as how online services identify you.
Last week, the children in Gruffalo and Elmer Classes looked at the word identity and what makes us who we are! We talked about all the things we liked, our similarities, our differences and what we should and shouldn’t share online and offline.
In Gruffalo Class, the children enjoyed decorating bunting with all the things that are special to them. They learned about Smartie the penguin and discussed what he should do in different situations!
In Elmer Class the children created a profile of all the things they enjoy most, offline and online, and the types of things that are suitable to share online and offline.
At Rode School, the Digital Leaders had worked had to prepare an assembly celebrating all of the great things about being online and reminding us how we can stay safe. The assembly was very informative and the Digital Leaders should be very proud of themselves.
Throughout the day the children heard the story about #Goldilocks who shared a bit too much. They also explored the word identity and what they should do to stay safe whilst using the internet, when playing games on an app or using some other device that can access the internet.
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