03 Oct Stone Age Gatherers
The children from Wild Things and BFG class became Stone Age gatherers for the day, foraging for Autumn fruits and cooking them so they would last through the autumn.
The weather was kind and we spent a fabulous hour foraging around the village for blackberries, sloes, elderberries and crab apples. We then sorted everything collected into groups and discussed what was edible and what was poisonous!
The fruit was then washed, chopped and cooked for an hour with pure honey.
Every child was given the opportunity to stir the jam while it started to warm up and then enjoyed the beautiful smells filling the classroom!
Every child was able to taste the jam with an oatcake and many children returned for seconds!
We wrote instructions for how to make the jam, as part of our Stone Age fact files. A copy of one of our instructions is attached for you to have a go at home!

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