26 Feb Supporting Charities
Assembly Visitors
School Council have invited three representatives into school to share information about their charity work. We will then chose a charity to sponsor for the year.
Garry Holmes and Lily the trainee guide dog visited Norton St Philip on Monday and the children learnt all about how guide dogs are trained.
At Rode we had our second visitor in the shape of Ian Steuart Fothringham. He runs a charity called ‘Streets of London’. He explained what homelessness is, how people end up in that situation and what the best ways are to help. The children listened carefully and are considering whether Julian House in Bath should be our chosen charity.
Our third charity is Cancer Research UK but we are struggling to find a local representative who could come in and talk to us. If anyone has any contacts please get in touch.
Do All the Good You Can (Methodist School Value)
Continuing on the theme of helping others, William in year 3 was busy earlier in the year raising money for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance. He set up his own business ‘Disco Dahlias’ and sold flowers from outside his house. He managed to raise an incredible £566! He was invited, along with some friends, to visit the air ambulance headquarters.
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