29 Nov What an amazing set of results!
This is the first set of data since we re-organised our two schools and since our most recent Ofsted Inspections and marks the first real benchmark to evaluate the success of our Federation. I am delighted to inform you that the results were excellent. Here are some of the highlights. As a comparison I have included in brackets the national average data.
Literacy in EYFS was amazing with 100% of children making good or better than expected progress. Year 1 phonics scores were very good at 87% (82%). Reading and writing were both significantly above national average whilst the number of year 2 children working at a greater depth overall in literacy was nearly 20% better that the national average. Average progress over all the year groups was also up by 10% in reading and 9% in writing. |
EYFS maths performance was excellent with 89.7% (79.6%) of children achieving a good level of development (GLD) and 100% making good or better progress. In year 2 the number of children achieving greater depth in maths was 38% (22%). In year 4, 81% of children attained age related expectations or higher. Throughout the year attainment in maths was up 6% over all year groups. |
Focused school improvement objectives, excellent teaching, targeted intervention & a lot of hard work by our very talented group of teachers and support staff have resulted in this success. Our analysis shows that our new organisation, particularly our single-year group classes, is working very effectively to provide your children with excellent standards in teaching and learning. Praise must also go to yourselves, for supporting your children’s learning, and our Federation, in so many ways.
Richard Clayphan
Chair of Governors
30th November 2018
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